They said it couldn't be done, or we were nuts, but the slab has been poured and it looks great!! I need to give a BIG thank you to the crew of friends that helped. Sarah, Brian, John, Patrick and Meredith. Another thank you to those who lent us tools, Geoff for the mixer, Ed for the bull float and Art for the misc. finishing tools. We couldn't have done this without you all.
It all went together pretty quickly once we got started and although most of us had no experience and other had a little, everyone just stepped up and it went super smooth. Patrick started us in the right direction with mixing and then BAM we had a slab. Now we wait for it to cure and we start building!!!!! Hooray we are on our way.
John recommends calling the kiln the "Chicken Pot Pie". I was leaning toward Zoshia after my grandmother who was small and fiery. Any suggestions? It's still up in the air.
And after the slab was done we drank some beer, grilled some corn and chicken and played horseshoes. Life is Good!