Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 is shaping up to be another busy and exciting year with new adventures in life and clay. As I'm updating my blog I'm also thinking "get int he studio and make pots" I have several firings coming up to prepare for and I always wait till the last minute and turn myself into a stressed out ball of whim. I have time, it's January and if I stick to my guns now I'll be set for the TWO firings in March. I have an unbelievable opportunity to fire with Jack Troy at Soulgama while he is in the area for NCECA. In the picture above I am reading an article written by Jack. He is an amazing potter, poet and writer. I'm ready to get my mind blown by all his insight on all things, not just ceramics. On that note I better get in the studio and make some pots I'm proud to put in the kiln next to one of his. No pressure...none at all...sigh

1 comment:

Trevor Youngberg said...

Hi Brenda,
I've enjoyed perusing your blog. You are busy! Nice work too! I was admiring some pics of your work that popped up on a search for "anagama crystal formations"...and came upon your work. I've been amazed by the appearance of crystal formations on pieces in preious firings myself and am beginning to focus my attention on the conditions that promote their growth. I was wondering if you have some insight on promoting their formation? I'll have to look back on some of my firing notes...but I'm guessing that a high finishing temp followed by a reduction cool could be a good starting point. Any insights you have would be appreciated. My site: TrevorYoungberg.com. All the Best, Trevor