Monday, September 8, 2008

So much progress

I've been neglecting my little blog and I do apologize. Eric has been working so hard on the kiln and it's going pretty well. We of course make time for socializing and other events. Life isn't just work, work, work ya know.

So the pictures here show what has happened in the last month. We got the refractory granola stuffed in tight around the firebox arch and then the ware chamber floor all nice and laid out. Then there is the flu shot, or it is flue shot? And of course the dampers. Things are moving along nicely and at a fairly stress free pace. Eric gets a little frustrated and loses sleep a bit, but that is normal for him and not just that his mind is on the kiln 23/7...somedays he takes an hour for Perry Mason.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! You didn't tell me you were building a kiln. At least I don't remember you telling me that. It looks amazing! Can I have one of the little brick crosses? I don't understand why he had to make those, but they look cool. Now is everyone going to come over to your place for kiln weekends?

I think it is great what your girls are doing too (with your help). I love the name of their blog!