Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Back to the grind

This week we are experiencing very nice weather and I'm grateful. I have lots of new pots that need attention. After unloading the kiln a wood-fire potter then needs to check every piece and grind off wads or ash that still remain. I'm on day three of this process, but things are looking good and I have the end in sight. Next step is to price them and pack them.

The first picture is of the tools I've been using. A Dremel, very important wood-fire potter tool, and my silicon carbide tip is almost completely used up. I wear a mask while working since I'm creating lots of nasty dust and of course the lovely sanding pads make a nice final finish.

The second shot is of a few pieces just plucked from the kiln. I've been doing goblets, funky shallow bowls, soap dishes and stripes. I'm digging the stripes.


Kitchen-Dreams said...

One of the things I love about ceramics is how you never really know how a piece will look when it is fired. It must make opening the kiln so exciting!

CMM said...

I am also digging the stripes.

Unknown said...

Digging the goblet. :) Very cool Brenda.
